Storewide Sale Tutorial

Friday, January 30th, 2009

If you want to put everything in your store on sale. 1.) Click General Settings 2.) Scroll down to Local Settings a.) Sale Mode – Choose Percentage off all prices. b.) Sale Percent Off – put in the amount you want to offer of. (number only no % sign)

Coupon Manager Mod

Friday, January 30th, 2009

1.) On the Left hand side of your Store Admin – Click 3rd Party 2.) Now click on Configure next to Coupon Manager 3.) Be sure the mod is Enabled 4.) Now we add the Coupons a. Coupon Name: Give a coupon a name so that you know what this coupon does. This name is […]

Adding Digital Freebies

Friday, January 30th, 2009

Adding Digital Free Items is just like adding any other design to your store, only you can only have one zip file per product. (you can not have multiple downloads like you can on regular products.) I recommend creating a category for Free Designs. Follow this tutorial – Adding Digital Designs – When you click […]

Paypal Settings for Cubecart

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

First you need get a paypal account, the costs are below. PayPal (Standard and IPN) Initial Setup Cost: $0 Monthly Fee: $0 Transaction Fee: 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 USD Countries: Worldwide Notes: Currencies presently accepted are AUD, USD, GBP, CAD, EUR, JPY (This is charged on every transaction, regardless of whether money comes […]

Cpanel Zip File Upload

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Uploading multiple zip files can take awhile using the Upload in the Cubecart Admin. If your hosted with us or you have a cpanel at your current host this is how you do it: 1.) Login to your cpanel the url is usually (if you have not changed your dns on our host the […]

RND Gallery Mod

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

Gallery Mod for Cubecart You can see this mod in action on our sister site, here. Thumbnails for images and directories are generated automatically. Description of galleries and images can be added by creating a simple .txt file with the description. I have modified the original code to be managed in your store admin. Once […]

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