Cubecart Tips – images, text, folders, titles and zips

by robinsnest ~ June 9th, 2008. Filed under: CubeCart Tutorials.

These are just some quick tips that I have learned in building sites and using cubecart.

  • If you are copying and pasting text ALWAYS use this icon so that you strip out the coding.

or click the one with the T

When getting your images together for your website you come upon many questions about sizing, naming etc.

  • Always be sure when naming images, folders, zip files that you do not have spaces in the name, ie blue overalls.jpg should be named blue_overalls.jpg or all one word, blueoveralls.jpg ~ same things with zip files and image folders – do not have spaces in names as a rule I use _ when I want a space.
  • You want to make sure you do not have any special characters in your product titles, image names, folder names or zip file names either like (, ), #, !,’,?, @,$,&,=,[,],”,` or other special characters will cause issues with CCSuperStore on your website. It can make images disappear, even if you uploaded them earlier and they were working.
  • If your site has digital files these same rules apply. You want to make sure you do not have any special characters in your digital file names like   (, ), #, !,’,?, @,$,&,=,[,],”,` or other special characters will cause issues with Cubecart on your website. It will cause problems for your instant download as well. I know if you have several digital products it can be tricky naming your files but I recommend a format like

Category Images:

If your adding an image to your Category on the Add Category Link make sure it is a small image as to not throw off the Category Display. You will save the larger more detailed images for your actual products.

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