Coupon Manager Mod

by robinsnest ~ January 30th, 2009. Filed under: Cubecart Mod Tutorials.

1.) On the Left hand side of your Store Admin – Click 3rd Party
3rd Party Link
2.) Now click on Configure next to Coupon Manager
3rd Party Link
3.) Be sure the mod is Enabled
3rd Party Link
4.) Now we add the Coupons
3rd Party Link
a. Coupon Name: Give a coupon a name so that you know what this coupon does. This name is for you
and will not be used or show to a customer.

b. Coupon Code: Fill a coupon code to be used by customers, leave blank and a random code will be generated for you

c. Status: Enable/Disable this coupon at any time without deleting it.

d. Amount/ Percent Off: You can either have a specific amount set for your coupon or a % off of the order value.

e. Number of times a coupon can be used: Specify a maximum amount of times the coupon can be used.
Zero means unlimited

f. Expiration date: After this date the coupon will not be valid.

g. Customer Use Limit: Click on “Once per customer” radio button or leave it set to “Unlimited”.

h. Order Limit: “Unlimited” means the coupon will be valid on orders of any amount.
Or you can choose X amount and the customer will have to spend that much before they can redeem the coupon.

i. All Products/Categories: Check this option to enable the coupon for all products

j. This Product only: Check this option and specify a specific product code for this coupon.

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