Coupon Manager Mod
by robinsnest ~ January 30th, 2009. Filed under: Cubecart Mod Tutorials.1.) On the Left hand side of your Store Admin – Click 3rd Party
2.) Now click on Configure next to Coupon Manager
3.) Be sure the mod is Enabled
4.) Now we add the Coupons
a. Coupon Name: Give a coupon a name so that you know what this coupon does. This name is for you
and will not be used or show to a customer.
b. Coupon Code: Fill a coupon code to be used by customers, leave blank and a random code will be generated for you
c. Status: Enable/Disable this coupon at any time without deleting it.
d. Amount/ Percent Off: You can either have a specific amount set for your coupon or a % off of the order value.
e. Number of times a coupon can be used: Specify a maximum amount of times the coupon can be used.
Zero means unlimited
f. Expiration date: After this date the coupon will not be valid.
g. Customer Use Limit: Click on “Once per customer” radio button or leave it set to “Unlimited”.
h. Order Limit: “Unlimited” means the coupon will be valid on orders of any amount.
Or you can choose X amount and the customer will have to spend that much before they can redeem the coupon.
i. All Products/Categories: Check this option to enable the coupon for all products
j. This Product only: Check this option and specify a specific product code for this coupon.