RND Gallery Mod

by robinsnest ~ July 5th, 2008. Filed under: Cubecart Mod Tutorials.

Gallery Mod for Cubecart

You can see this mod in action on our sister site, here.

Thumbnails for images and directories are generated automatically. Description of galleries and images can be added by creating a simple .txt file with the description.

I have modified the original code to be managed in your store admin.

Once you login to the store admin:

When you click this an image upload comes up:

Click Browse – ( the top arrow) find the image you want to put in your gallery.

Now click Upload

After you upload the image if you want to add a description that will appear under your image.

Click the <<Back button.

Notice in the above image the image I uploaded was called Maddyornament.jpg if you want a description to appear under this image you would add it to a .txt file (I did this using Notepad in Windows) You save the file like this:


INFO 1: Case sensitivity is very important.

INFO 2: Extensions should be entered with a dot in front, like the example below.

Example: If set to “.txt” and one of the files is named “OneFile.jpg”. You can then make a file called “OneFile.zip.txt”, and use the Gallery Upload to upload it.

Now on to Managing your Gallery.

If you need to remove images that you have put in your gallery again you will click:

This time instead of using the pop up box uploader ignore that and you will see this screen:

As you can see you can click on the image to see a preview, or you can DELETE it on the right by clicking Delete.

Very easy to use. If you have any questions please be sure and let us know.

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