Mailbuilder — Cubecart Newsletter

by robinsnest ~ June 29th, 2008. Filed under: Cubecart Mod Tutorials.

One of our newest features we are adding to the Cubecart Stores is an easy to manage Newsletter. If you purchaset this mod from us we will add it to your store with a matching template. Newsletter MailBuilder is easy to operate, uses your existing Cube Cart database information, and with relatively few clicks of the mouse you can craft professional looking eNewsletters for immediate email distribution. It’s that easy.

Using the Mailbuilder is very easy:

This screen comes up, to create a new newsletter click Create New

Now this screen comes up: You will give your newsletter a name, for instance if you send out a weekly newsletter maybe the date, or if you want to do so many a year you could put in Newsletter1

In the pull down menu you will choose your template. If you have purchased the modification from me with the matching template you will find that in the pull down.

Number of Products you want to assign, this is very nice if your sending out a weekly announcement of new products you can easily add them here.

Automatic Products is nice if your want the store to add products, you do not have control over which products will be sent though. You can set this to 0

This next screen is where you will add the products of your choice to your newsletter. (the number of pull down menus you have will depend on how many you choose to add in step 2)

Now you will click Add Products to Campaign

This screen will come up:

Then your ready to edit and customize your Campaign/Newsletter, when your happy with the final result you will click Save Campaign.

Now we are ready to send your newsletter

Click the envelope and this screen will come up:

You will want to put in a plain text portion for your dial up customers or those that do not have html enabled in email.

You will need to be sure and click the radio button next too Cubecart Contacts otherwise your Newsletter will not send and you will get errors. If you want to send the campaign to those not in your Cubecart Contacts list, you will need to import them from a csv file.
You can create a CSV file by exporting it from your email program.

In Outlook:

1.) In the top choose File

2.) Now choose Import/Export

3.) Export to File

4.) Now you will choose your file type which is Comma Separated Values (CSV)

5.) The next option says Select Folder to Export from scroll and find Contacts

6.) Now save the file to your desktop with an easy to remember name.

You can import this file to your Cubecart Mailbuilder on this screen:

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